A method of synthesis of finite state automations of D class (method À4)

Difference of automata of D class from automata of the class C consists that automata of D class are automata such as Mile and each formed dialingout defines(determines) the code of the following state. For passage from the arbitrary finite state automation (À class) to an automaton of D class in method À4 decomposition of inwardnesses is used. Besides for possibility of construction of an automaton of D class PLD should admit the configuration of output macrocells with triggers in chains of feedbacks. Method À4 of synthesis of finite state automations of D class may be alternative to a method of synthesis of finite state automations of the class C in cases when the realizable finite state automation should be an automaton such as Mile.
To disadvantages of method À4 for coercion of the initial finite state automation necessity of decomposition of inwardnesses concerns to an automaton of D class, and also the requirement of the configuration of output macrocells PLD with triggers in chains of feedbacks.
