A method of synthesis of complicated finite state automations of classes A and B (method À2)

Method À2 of synthesis of complicated finite state automations of classes And and In allows to build finite state automations of practically unlimited complexity on PLD, however does not guarantee the best speed of the finite state automation. For rise of speed of the finite state automation in method À2 decomposition of states is used for limitation of number of passages in only in separate “bad” states, thus the algorithm of decomposition never misses. With the purpose of decrease of complexity of implementation (measured PLD) number R of bits of the code varies with number of used macrocells from intlog2M up to M, where M - number of inwardnesses of the finite state automation. Then from obtained outcomes of synthesis the best solution on cost and speed is selected. At estimation of cost of implementation various modes of assignment of intermediate buses to output macrocells PLD are taken into account.
In both methods À1 and À2 synthesis of finite state automations of classes A and B programming a logical level of output signals PLD for deprecication of implementation is provided.
