A method of synthesis of fast finite state automations of classes And and In (method À1)

Method À1 of synthesis of fast finite state automations of the class And () and the class In (a traditional automaton of Moore) allows to build a traditional automaton of Mile automata of the best speed, frequency of switching of units of memory for which is equal to maximum frequency of operation PLD. It is achieved due to that each function of energization of units of memory (the function of passages) is realized on one macrocell PLD. For limitation of complexity of functions of passages the operation of decomposition of inwardnesses is used so that the number of passages to each state did not exceed number of intermediate buses, connected to one macrocell PLD. During coding inwardnesses complexity of functions of passages is inspected and in case of impossibility of implementation of some function of passages on one macrocell the PLD is increased number R of bits of the code of inwardnesses.
Method À1 also macrocells the PLD with two feedbacks effectively allows to use: simultaneously for implementation of functions of passages and reception(trick) of values of entry variables.
In both methods À1 and À2 synthesis of finite state automations of classes A and B programming a logical level of output signals PLD for deprecication of implementation is provided.
The Main disadvantage of method À1 is the narrow area of usage because of discrepancy (execution ad infinitum) algorithm of decomposition of inwardnesses. 
